Tagger's notes -------------- I thought I'd let you know the details behind some of the choices I made in tagging this set. All track names are in the character set that best represents the track information -- Japanese titles are in Japanese, English titles are in English, and katakana-ified English titles are changed back to English. Don't worry about not understanding the Japanese, though, as I've used the comments field of the tag to include both a Romanization of the Japanese as well as a translation. I've also taken pains to have copyright information for music match up with their first publishing (which can date back to the early 80s for some of the pieces in this game). Many, many thanks to Dais for providing a list of albums the music was taken from so I could look this up. Artists are listed in native name order -- if a Western composer, names are in the usual order of , but if a Japanese composer, names are in the Asian order of . Again, thanks go to Dais for providing some of these; most of the rest can be attributed to searching sites like Chudah's Corner (www.chudahs-corner.com) for the needed info. In the case a game doesn't have a known composer, I've listed either "Namco Sound Team" or "Capcom Sound Team" as appropriate. This includes all of the original music composed by Monolithsoft, the game's developer. There's also an alternate tagging batchfile if you don't like Japanese-encoded titles -- this will convert all titles to Romanized Japanese with English translations in the comments.