_________________________________________________ | | | POWER CAROLS 3 | | Rudolph's Dance Party! | | or | | "Where has my Carols for Choirs gone?" | | | | © 1994 James Coates | |_________________________________________________| "I used to be an atheist until I discovered I'm God" Wotcha folks! Here it is; the third in the series of Power Carols musical extravanganzas! The only minor problem is that there's only a limited number of festive ditties, so I only used a few this time. A Desktop Tracker Production Desktop Tracker is funky and available from: Vertical Twist - (01243) 531194 Some of you who have heard the stuff I uploaded to Arcade may recognise the striking resemblance to 'Burning like fire'. Hmmm.... odd that. :-) ---------+-+---------- Hello, and Happy Christmas to : Benjamin Bommer, Pam and Steve Turnbull, Emma Barr, Alisdair Millard, Alex Party, Sdj, Big Ron, Gareth Babb, Martin Ebourne, Richard Jelbert, Jason Tribbeck, Michael Dale (the man with the sheet!), Pandogras, Rolf, Mark Walters and Chris, Paul Chapman, Jon Priday, Jon Ormond, Joel 'and you thought you knew how to split inifitives' Rowbottom, Dave Tudor, Gareth Owen, Richard Whitehand, Peter Shaw, Henley, Adam Spiers and Roger Toll. (Remember me??) I'm still writing proper music.... James Coates Eyton House Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0AG Tel: (01568) 612118 email: jcoates@arcade.demon.co.uk