Pattern Effects

Pattern effects can change setting like volume,pitch of a sound in various ways.
A pattern effect consists of two parts. One is the command (red) and the other the value part (blue)
All values are decimal values.

00xy Arpeggio (x=base note #1, y=base note #2)
1xxx Portamento up (speed 0-120)
2xxx Portamento down (speed 0-120)
4000 do not release notes on new round start
50xy retriggers volume between note ticks
6xxx Volume slide up (speed 0-100) - 100 x 60001 slides from silence to full volume
7xxx Volume slide down (speed 0-100) - 100 x 70001 slides from full volume to silence
8xxx Set panning (position 0-100) - 50 =Center
9xxx Sample Offset (offset position 0-99) - 00=sample start, 99=sample pos at 99% of length
B00x Play Sample backwards (0=backward; 1=play Sample forward at any position)

Cxxx Set Volume (volume 0-100)
E00x Retrigger Note every x Tick (tick 0-5)

Syntax: 0 + 1st halftone + 2nd halftone
Example C-1 64 -- 0037
At tick 1: Plays C-1 tick #1.
At tick 2: Plays C-1 + 3 Notes = D#1 tick #2.
At tick 3: Plays C-1 + 7 Notes = G-1 tick #3.

Portamento up
Portamento is used to slide the sample pitch up
Syntax:   1 + speed
Example: C-5 64 -- 1120 -> Bends the sample up. (120 means pitch up by 12 Halftones per pattern line)

Portamento down
Portamento is used to slide the sample pitch down.
Syntax:   2 + speed
Example: C-5 64 -- 2060 -> Bends the sample down. (60 means pitch down by 6 Halftones per pattern line)

Note release mode
if this effect is present somewhere in the pattern the player does not release notes if a new playround starts.
Sometimes this is very usefull
Syntax:   4
Example: --- -- -- 4000

Volume retrigger
retriggers volume between note lines
Syntax: 5 + [first vol, second vol]
Example:  C-5 64 -- 5051 -> first vol        = 100 (5*20)
                                          second vol   =   20 (1*20) 

Volume slide  up
Syntax: 6 + [up-value]
Example:  C-5 64 -- 6010 -> slides the volume up by 10  per pattern line

Volume slide  down
Syntax: 7 + [down-value]
Example:  C-5 64 -- 7010 -> slides the volume down by 10  per pattern line

Set panning
sets the panning of the track
Syntax: 8 + pan
Example:  C-5 64 -- 8050 -> pan is centered
               C-5 64 -- 8100 -> pan is at the right
               C-5 64 -- 8000 -> pan is at the left

Sample Offset (sample only)
Changes the current play/play start position of a sample
The offset ranges from 0..99
Syntax: 9 + offset
Example:   C-5 64 -- 9099-> set play position at 99% of the sample length
                C-5 64 -- 9050-> set play position to the middle of the sample
                C-5 64 -- 9000 -> set play position to the start of the sample (default)

Play Sample backwards (sample only)
Changes the play direction of a sample
Syntax: B + direction
Example:   ------  -- B001 -> play forward (can be set at any pattern position)
                ------  -- B000 -> play  backward (can be set at any pattern position)

Set Volume
Set volume of the track
Syntax: C + volume   (volume 0-100)
Example:   C-5 64 -- C000 -> set silence
                C-5 64 -- C050 -> set a middle volume
                C-5 64 -- C100 -> set maximum volume

Retrigger Note (sample only)
Retrigger Note every x Tick.
Syntax: E + trigger count   (0-3)
Example: E001 note is retriggered every tick           => played 6 times
              E002 note is retriggered every second tick => played 3 times
              E003 note is retriggered every third tick     => played 2 times