ReadMe File for SND2MIDI(C) Version 2.0 CopyLeft Bill Buckels 1999 All Rights Reversed. Introduction ------------ Snd2Midi is a FreeWare Music File Utility program that is used to convert "Old Style" PC Speaker .SND files to .MID (MIDI) files. This utility will allow you to convert the sound files (.SND files) used by the author's programs (like WorkBook and Mickiano) to play a simple melody through the PC speaker, into an equivalently simple MIDI file that you can use in programs that play MIDI through a sound card (i.e. Windows Media Player , as well as many other programs that accept .MID (MIDI) files.) Snd2Midi is one of a collection of "value-added" and mostly FreeWare utilities that are currently available from the author, partially to allow folks to get some extra use from his educational software, and partially as a public service for other technical people who want to muck-about programming. Even if you don't use .SND files, but are interested in MIDI from the technical side, this utility and its related files may prove useful and informative. (Snd2Midi is provided with several sample .SND files in case you haven't any handy.) Snd2Midi is distributed as freeware, with open C language source code, and several reference documents on MIDI, which may be of interest to technical musicians and programmers. The reference documents come complete with an HTML shell index, that can be used with a web browser to navigate through the various MIDI and Computer Music related topics. Installing Snd2Midi ------------------- Snd2Midi is part of a larger collection called WorkTools, but is installed separately using the Sn2Midi Archive file, Snd2Midi.Zip. Install Snd2Midi by "UNZIPPING" Snd2Midi.ZIP complete with pathnames to the drive of your choice. If you decide to install Snd2Midi to Drive C:, Snd2Midi will be installed into the directory C:\WorkTool\Snd2Midi. To run Snd2Midi in DOS, type Snd2Midi.EXE and press [Enter]. To Run Snd2Midi in Windows, click-on Snd2Midi.EXE. Getting Started --------------- Snd2Midi has two ways to enter an input file name; through the command line, or via a prompt. If no command line arguments are entered, Snd2Midi will prompt you for your input file (.SND file) name, and for your patch maps (General Midi Instrument numbers). Prompted File Name and Patch Entry ---------------------------------- Enter .SND SoundFile Name (Blank to Exit): Enter Instrument Patches (Blank When Done) Command Line Usage ------------------ Snd2Midi sndfile.snd Snd2Midi sndfile.snd STRICT Snd2Midi sndfile.snd [patch1 patch2 patch3...] Snd2Midi sndfile.snd [patch1 patch2 patch3...] STRICT Commands - STRICT KeyWord ------------------------- The STRICT keyword will force a timing signature and key signature to written into the MIDI file. This is required by some sequencers. Commands - Patch Entry ---------------------- Patches are entered as numeric args, either at the prompt or on the command line. Patch Range is 1-127 (General Midi Instrument Voice Numbers). See Appendix C - General Midi Instrument Voice Numbers. Each Patch will occupy a channel on a separate consecutive track. You effectively can have up to 9 voices, since channel 10 is the GM (General Midi) Drum Channel. Snd2Midi has been programmed for 16 voices, but that is probably not practical. For most sound files, 2 or 3 voices is probably all you would want, since the melody in the .SND file is generally pretty simple anyway. What does the Snd2Midi Package Contain? -------------------------------------- The Snd2Midi package comes with several practice .SND files, a utility called Sound.Exe and a number of documents about MIDI, ranging from hardware information, and technical specifications, to general information that should interest anyone serious about computer music. See Appendix A at the end of this ReadMe for a Packing List of the program and sample files, and source code. Sound.Exe - A Sound Command for MS-DOS -------------------------------------- To play back .SND files before converting them, or to play frequency, duration pairs interactively or in a batch file from MS-DOS, a command line program called Sound.Exe is included. Usage 1 is : Sound.Exe [mysound.snd] Usage 2 is : Sound.Exe [frequency] [duration] See Appendix B at the end of this ReadMe for additional information about the Sound Command in GWBASIC. Sound.Exe works similarily in interactive mode. Source is included, and you can review that for more information as well. Licence Agreement, Copyright and Conditions of Use -------------------------------------------------- Snd2Midi(C) is Copyright 1999 by Bill Buckels. The Snd2Midi program is not a derivative work of any other author and is the exclusive property of its author, Bill Buckels. You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute this program and its source code in any way you find useful, provided that you agree that Bill Buckels has no warranty obligations or liability resulting from said distribution in any way whatsoever. If you don't agree, remove this program, its source code, and any related files from your computer now. The music files used in Snd2Midi were produced by Bill Buckels (the author) and as such are the author's own expression, and a fair use of content that is believed to be in the public domain. The documentation provided with Snd2Midi is properly credited for Authorship, and for Origin, and is either the property of Bill Buckels, in the Public Domain, used with permission, or otherwise fairly used. You may use these documents in any way you find useful, provided you do so in a fair manner that does not interfere with their respective authors, and that you agree that Bill Buckels has no warranty obligations or liability whatsoever resulting from any associated loss or damage. If you redistribute the Snd2Midi program, please distribute it in its entirety. If you are missing files, you can download a complete version from the internet at: Bill Buckels 589 Oxford Street Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3M 3J2 Email: WebSite: Additional Resources for Technical Midi Information --------------------------------------------------- For a detailed technical description of how Snd2Midi deals with the creation of Midi Files, the program source code is the best place to look. The many documents that come with Snd2Midi are also excellent resources for "getting up to speed" on Midi. Most of the docs came from the Internet and were reformatted as text documents, with credits added, for inclusion with Snd2Midi. Don't be surprised to see some of these same documents in html format if you visit the following links. Internet Resources and Links ---------------------------- After you have exhausted the information provided in this package, or even you simply want to look further, the following Internet Resources should prove helpful. They will also provide you with additional links to yet even more great Midi resources (apologies for future broken links, but these are in good working order at time of this writing, September 1999): MIDI Technical Fanatics Brainwashing Center (Jeff Glatt) Technical Docs and Programming Tutorials For Midi Users Software Programs Harmony Central MIDI Documentation Page MMA (MIDI Manufacturers Association Incorporated) home page IA-SIG (Interactive Audio Special Interest Group) Web Site EMUSIC-L Home Page (Joe McMahon) EMUSIC-L MIDI Specification 1.0 Mechanical Music Digest Archives Italian MIDI (Good Resource Links) MIDI-NET There are many, many more great Internet Midi and Computer Music Resources, and I have included what I consider are some of the best ones to get you started, or to add to your favorites. You could get swamped with links otherwise, and spend much time sorting like I have, and although this is my idea of fun, it may not be yours. Corporate Websites of MIDI Hardware and Software Vendors -------------------------------------------------------- Note that if you visit the Corporate WebSites of the MIDI Hardware vendors and software vendors, you will probably notice as I have that a great deal of effort has been applied by Marketing and Artist types to hide the technical and educational resource information. If it is there, I can't find it from the ones I have visited, and I have not included any of these corporate sites in the links above. They are just not geared for "do-it-yourselfers" and basically choke your band width with lots of graphics and shockwave files and the like. If I was shopping I might be a little more tolerant of this interestingly vertical approach to computer music, but educational information is generally appreciated even by shoppers. Appendix A - Packing List ------------------------- Program Files ------------- Note: The only file that is required to use Snd2Midi.Exe is Snd2Midi.Exe. All the other files are extras and can be erased if all you want is the use of the Sn2Midi utility and you don't care about this other stuff. \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\Snd2Midi.EXE - The Main Appplication \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\README.TXT - The ReadMe \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\Sound.Exe - A Sound Command for MS-DOS \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\DOC98.BAT - Documentation Viewer for WIN98 \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\DOC.BAT - ReadMe Viewer for MS-DOS \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\FILE_ID.DIZ - FILE ID Description-In-Zip file Sample .SND SoundFiles ---------------------- \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\*.SND bug.snd - La Cucaracha - Archie and Mehitabel's lovesong danube.snd - The Blue Danube Walz - Strauss dvorak.snd - Humoresque by Dvorak guonod.snd - Funeral March of a Marionette by Guonod mexico.snd - Mexican Hat Dance mozart.snd - Symphony #40 by Wolfgang Mozart popwease.snd - Pop Goes the Weasel sam.snd - Yankee Doodle stars.snd - The Stars and Stripes Forever - John P. Sousa Documents (Ascii Text Format) and HTML Viewer Shell --------------------------------------------------- Windows 98 users can click-on the DOC98.BAT in the Sn2Midi directory. This starts Explorer and Loads DOC\index.htm noted below. \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\DOC\index.htm \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\DOC\indexmen.htm Note: An HTML Shell with an index menu is provided for viewing the reference documents in the DOC directory. You will need to use your Web Browser to view the documents using the HTML Shell. Use File/Open/Browse from your web browser. Load \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\DOC\index.htm. That's all there is to it. \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\DOC\*.TXT (as follows) snd2midi.txt - ReadMe File for SND2MIDI (this file) sound.txt - ManPage (ReadMe File) for Sound.Exe intro.txt - Introduction into MIDI mapfaq.txt - That infernal MIDI Mapper mapfaq2.txt - THE WINDOWS MIDI MAPPER midi06.txt - Standard MIDI Files 0.06 midi10.txt - Standard MIDI Files 1.0 midifaq.txt - What is MIDI? midispe1.txt - MIDI Specification 1.0 midispe2.txt - MIDI Specification mmaxmidi.txt - MMA position on XMIDI patch.txt - Instrument Patch Assignments patch2.txt - Overview of General MIDI primer.txt - The USENET MIDI Primer Note: If you don't have a web browser, you can view the text files using DOS Edit or Windows Notepad, or any other text viewer. Source Code ----------- \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\SRC\Snd2Midi.C \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\SRC\Snd2Midi.MAK \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\SRC\Sound.C \WORKTOOL\Snd2Midi\SRC\Sound.MAK Appendix B - .SND File Format ----------------------------- The .SND File Format is a binary file of 3 byte "sound packets". Each packet is a frequency, duration pair. The frequency is in the form of a 2-byte Intel Word. The duration is in the form of a 1 byte unsigned char. The end of file is marked with 2 bytes... 0ffh, 0ffh (frequency = -1). The Frequency is in hertz. Silence is encoded as 32767. The Duration is in PC Timer Ticks (interrupt 1Ch), of 18.2 per second. Maximum duration is 255 ticks (approx. 14 seconds), which is more than enough time to sustain a single sound on a PC speaker without experiencing extreme pain and discomfort. As a matter of fact, some serious minded users of that era were known to become quite agitated after repeated audible assaults of this nature, and to permanently disassemble their PC speaker apparatus, sometimes in a violent manner. Nevertheless... The .SND file format pretty much matches the GWBASIC SOUND Statement, which is long established as one of the two standard methods to play monophonic music on the PC Speaker (The other way was using the GWBASIC PLAY Statement, which was a "macro" language and couldn't be easily used in other programming languages besides GWBASIC). i.e. GWBASIC defined the SOUND statement as follows: SOUND frequency, duration Generates a sound through your computer's speaker. frequency - The frequency of the sound in hertz; a value in the range 37 through 32,767. duration - The number of system clock ticks the sound lasts; a value in the range 0 through 65,535. There are 18.2 clock ticks per second. The MIX PowerC compiler also offered a sound function as a standard library function using almost the same format as GWBASIC, and Turbo C offered a variation, using a seperate delay function. I wrote my own for Microsoft C. It is provided with the utility sound.exe. See the source for sound.exe for more details. At any rate, before sound cards were popular, this was the usual way to play sound on the PC speaker, so this is why I encoded my music in the .SND file format. (The 3 byte packet was used to save disk space, which was also at a premium at that time.) Appendix C - General Midi Instrument Voice Numbers -------------------------------------------------- The General Midi Instrument Map is a list of 128 sounds (numbered 0-127), with corresponding MIDI program (voice) numbers. Most of these are imitative sounds, though the list includes synth sounds, ethnic instruments and a handful of sound effects. The sounds fall roughly into sixteen families of eight variations each. Grouping sounds makes it easy to re-orchestrate a piece using similar sounds. General Midi restricts percussion to MIDI Channel 10. Theoretically, the lower nine channels are for the instruments, and channel 10 is for the drums. Instrument Patch Assignments (Default = Voice 0) ---------------------------- 0-7 Piano 64-71 Reed 0 Acoustic Grand Piano 64 Soprano Sax 1 Bright Acoustic Piano 65 Alto Sax 2 Electric Grand Piano 66 Tenor Sax 3 Honky-Tonk Piano 67 Baritone Sax 4 Rhodes Piano 68 Oboe 5 Chorused Piano 69 English Horn 6 Harpsichord 70 Bassoon 7 Clavinet 71 Clarinet 8-15 Chromatic Percussion 72-79 Pipe 8 Celesta 72 Piccolo 9 Glockenspiel 73 Flute 10 Music Box 74 Recorder 11 Vibraphone 75 Pan Flute 12 Marimba 76 Bottle Blow 13 Xylophone 77 Shakuhachi 14 Tubular Bells 78 Whistle 15 Dulcimer 79 Ocarina 16-23 Organ 80-87 Synth Lead 16 Hammond Organ 80 Synth Lead 1 Square Wave Lead 17 Percussive Organ 81 Synth Lead 2 Sawtooth Wave Lead 18 Rock Organ 82 Synth Lead 3 Caliope Lead 19 Church Organ 83 Synth Lead 4 Chiff Lead 20 Reed Organ 84 Synth Lead 5 Charang 21 Accordion 85 Synth Lead 6 Solo Synth Voice 22 Harmonica 86 Synth Lead 7 Bright Saw Wave 23 Tango Accordion 87 Synth Lead 8 Brass and Lead 24-31 Guitar 88-95 Synth Pad 24 Acoustic Nylon Guitar 88 Synth Pad 1 Fantasia Pad 25 Acoustic Steel Guitar 89 Synth Pad 2 Warm Pad 26 Electric Jazz Guitar 90 Synth Pad 3 Poly Synth Pad 27 Electric Clean Guitar 91 Synth Pad 4 Space Voice Pad 28 Electric Muted Guitar 92 Synth Pad 5 Bowed Glass Pad 29 Overdriven Guitar 93 Synth Pad 6 Metal Pad 30 Distortion Guitar 94 Synth Pad 7 Halo Pad 31 Guitar Harmonics 95 Synth Pad 8 Sweep Pad 32-39 Bass 96-103 Synth Effects 32 Acoustic Bass 96 Synth SFX 1 Ice Rain 33 Electric Bass Fingered 97 Synth SFX 2 Sound Track 34 Electric Bass Picked 98 Synth SFX 3 Crystal 35 Fretless Bass 99 Synth SFX 4 Atmosphere 36 Slap Bass 1 100 Synth SFX 5 Brightness 37 Slap Bass 2 101 Synth SFX 6 Goblin 38 Synth Bass 1 102 Synth SFX 7 Echo Drops 39 Synth Bass 2 103 Synth SFX 8 Star Theme 40-47 Strings 105-111 Ethnic 40 Violin 104 Sitar 41 Viola 105 Banjo 42 Cello 106 Shamisen 43 Contrabass 107 Koto 44 Tremolo Strings 108 Kalimba 45 Pizzicato Strings 109 Bagpipe 46 Orchestral Harp 110 Fiddle 47 Timpani 111 Shanai 48-55 Ensemble 112-119 Percussive 48 String Ensemble 1 112 Tinkle Bells 49 String Ensemble 2 113 Agogo 50 Synth Strings 1 114 Steel Drums 51 Synth Strings 2 115 Woodblock 52 Choir Aahs 116 Taiko Drum 53 Voice Oohs 117 Melodic Drum 54 Synth Voice 118 Synth Drum 55 Orchestral Hit 119 Reverse Cymbal 56-63 Brass 120-127 Sound Effects 56 Trumpet 120 Guitar Fret Noise 57 Trombone 121 Breath Noise 58 Tuba 122 Seashore 59 Muted Trumpet 123 Bird Tweet 60 French Horn 124 Telephone Ring 61 Brass Section 125 Helicopter 62 Synth Brass 1 126 Applause 63 Synth Brass 2 127 Gunshot Drum Note Assignments --------------------- Drum notes are assigned to note numbers. General MIDI Channel 10 is for percussion. By playing different notes on channel 10, we get different drum sounds. MIDI Note # Drum Sound MIDI Note # Drum Sound 35 Acoustic Bass Drum 59 Ride Cymbal 2 36 Bass Drum 1 60 High Bongo 37 Side Kick 61 Low Bongo 38 Acoustic Snare 62 Muted High Conga 39 Hand Clap 63 Open High Conga 40 Electric Snare 64 Low Conga 41 Low Floor Tom 1 65 High Timbale 42 Closed High Hat 66 Low Timbale 43 High Floor Tom 2 67 High Agogo 44 Pedal High Hat 68 Low Agogo 45 Low Tom 3 69 Cabasa 46 Open High Hat 70 Maracas 47 Low-Mid Tom 4 71 Short Whistle 48 Hi-Mid Tom 5 72 Long Whistle 49 Crash Cymbal 1 73 Short Guiro 50 High Tom 6 74 Long Guiro 51 Ride Cymbal 1 75 Claves 52 Chinese Cymbal 76 High Wood Block 53 Ride Bell 77 Low Wood Block 54 Tambourine 78 Mute Cuica 55 Splash Cymbal 79 Open Cuica 56 Cowbell 80 Mute Triangle 57 Crash Cymbal 2 81 Open Triangle 58 Vibraslap End of ReadMe